Monday, November 28, 2011

I haven't been posting much lately, but it's not because I haven't been cooking and trying new things.  I guess the new-ness of having a blog has worn off some and I haven't been diligent about taking pictures of the food.  I'll go ahead and post some of the things I've made recently, and add the picture later.

For now, here is a picture of the cake and smash cake I made for Cole's 1st birthday party.  He loves bath time, so we went with a rubber duck theme.  No recipe to go with it as they are from a box mix.  I am terrible at homemade cakes - terrible.  They always turn out dense and dry.  So, sticking to the box mixes until I can figure out how to make a good cake from scratch.  I was very happy with how these ended up looking.  The duck was made using a 12"x12" square cake pan and then I cut out the shape of the duck (using a template my awesome husband made!).  Could not have been happier with the result!

Happy Birthday, sweet Cole!  Mommy loves you tons and tons.

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