Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baking bread

Tonight I made homemade pita bread from Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads.  They turned out great!  I was surprised because right before putting them in the oven I realized that we had a birthday party that night.  I put the completely assembled pitas in the fridge to use for dinner the next night instead, having no idea if it would mess them up.  Yeast breads can be finicky.  Anyway, the next day I took them out about two hours before I needed to bake them so that they could come to room temperature.  They did lovely!  Now I'm glad I made that mistake, so I know that they can be prepped ahead of time and just refrigerated until ready to bake. 
It was fun watching them balloon up then collapse as they cool.  Great recipe, will be making my own pitas from now on.  We use pita bread a good bit, for chicken souvlaki, to use as a personal sized pizza crust for a fun and quick lunch, and to make pita chips to dip in hummus.

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