Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hummus and Pita chips

Update - I made this for our community group and lots of people commented how good it was and several asked for the recipe.

The first few times I tried hummus I did not see what all the fuss was about.  Then one day at a friend's house they served Sabra brand hummus with wheat thins and we loved it.  I bought some and discovered Elliot loved the stuff.  We were buying it so often that I decided to try making my own since it was $4 for a little tub.  The first few times Elliot wouldn't touch it.  I even tried rinsing out the Sabra container and putting my homemade hummus in but he wasn't fooled  :)  I couldn't blame him though, mine simply lacked flavor.  I looked up lots of recipes and tweaked them until I came up with one we like (and Elliot eats!)

1 can chickpeas (or just over 1 cup if you cook them yourself)
3 teaspoons minced garlic
2-3 Tablespoons tahini (I use three because I like the nutty flavor of tahini, but start with 2 and add more if desired)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1/4 cup water or reserved chickpea liquid
olive oil to drizzle

In a food processor combine first five ingredients.  With processor running, slowly add the water until you get desired consistency.  You might need more than 1/4 cup water.  Drizzle with olive oil and garnish with parsley.  Serve with wheat thins or pita chips.  I got the recipe for pita chips straight from my friend's blog, here.

You can add all sorts of stuff to hummus.  I'd like to try roasted pine nuts.  I've also seen roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, spinach and artichoke, lemon juice, paprika and a variety of other spices used.

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